A blog about trauma, loss, hope, and healing.

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate and inform our audience about the effects of trauma & mental health disorders on everyday life.

This blog is for educators, survivors, allies, advocates, and sufferers who are looking to learn, share, and shed light on what it means to heal trauma & its subsequent effects on a modern day society.

Recent Escaping Trauma Blogs

Normalizing Mental Health: Purpose, Hope, and Healing

If you were to ask me when I graduated high school that I would once be writing a blog to inspire others to educate themselves and advocate for mental health...

Normalizing Mental Health: Purpose, Hope, and Healing

If you were to ask me when I graduated high school that I would once be writing a blog to inspire others to educate themselves and advocate for mental health...

Normalizing Mental Health: Purpose, Hope, and Healing

If you were to ask me when I graduated high school that I would once be writing a blog to inspire others to educate themselves and advocate for mental health...

Normalizing Mental Health: Purpose, Hope, and Healing

If you were to ask me when I graduated high school that I would once be writing a blog to inspire others to educate themselves and advocate for mental health...

Normalizing Mental Health: Purpose, Hope, and Healing

If you were to ask me when I graduated high school that I would once be writing a blog to inspire others to educate themselves and advocate for mental health...

Normalizing Mental Health: Purpose, Hope, and Healing

If you were to ask me when I graduated high school that I would once be writing a blog to inspire others to educate themselves and advocate for mental health...